
Katelyn Rodrigues

Princeton University Student
Austin, TX
Young Composers Concert 2018

Howdy! My name's Katelyn Rodrigues, and I'm an ATX local, but currently am in undergrad ('23) at Princeton University studying Computer Science with certificates in Finance, Statistics and Machine Learning, and Vocal Performance. In high school, I was super involved in the Austin Chamber Music Center (as a violinist in Merit Scholarship Ensembles) and from there, got introduced to composing through the Golden Hornet Composing Lab. Fast forward a couple years and I'm currently a data analytics and business intel intern at Dell Technologies, but still performing in operas and in the oldest co-ed acapella group in the ivy league, the Princeton Katzenjammers. Music in college has taken me to various locations such as Vancouver, CA, and a performance tour in Mexico, all within my freshman year of college! I can't wait to continue composing in the future and traveling for performances, while working for social good in the tech/finance industry (hopefully in ATX!)

Live from the 2018 3rd Annual Golden Hornet Young Composer Concert, filmed at The North Door in Austin, TX.